Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Ugly Pumpkin

Horowitz, D. (2005). The Ugly Pumpkin. London: Puffin Books. Grades Pre-K-2

Written by: Dave Horowitz
Genre: Fiction
Theme: Embracing Differences
Subject Area: Social Science
This is about a pumpkin who feels very sad, because he is ugly and doesn't fit in with the rest of the pumpkins. No one ever picks him from the pumpkin patch which is also another reason he is a sad pumpkin. So he wanders off and hides in bushes. He sees all these other "pumpkins" that look just like him until he realizes that he really isn't a pumpkin, he is a squash!

Initiating Questions and Activities:
  1. Does the pumpkin look happy?
  2. Why do you think the pumpkin is ugly?
  3. Would you pick this Pumpkin for Halloween?
Ask students if they have ever felt odd or different. Discuss with the students on what makes a person odd or different. Discuss that not one person is ever the same which is what makes everyone so special. Ask the kids to go around the room and share something special about them or something different they might have that others do not. For example: I have glasses and many of my friends do not have glasses.

Extending Questions/Activities:
  1. What did the pumpkin end up being?
  2. What is a squash?
  3. What do you use squash for?
Give the students a squash. If you cannot get a hold of actual squash, cut squash out of paper. Give the kids all sorts of supplies such as glitter, feathers, googly eyes ect. to dress up their squash. Show that even though they may be different on the outside, you may be beautiful on the inside. Us decorating the squash is demonstrating how she/he may feel on the inside.

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