Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Like Me!

 Carlson, R. (1988). I Like Me!. New York: Trumpet. Grades Pre-K-K
Written by: Nancy Carlson
Genre: Fiction
Theme: Self-Esteem
Subject Area: Social Science

This is a story in which a Pig talks about her best friend- herself. This book shares with the readers about loving yourself and embracing differences and similarities with others.

Initiating Questions and Activities:
  1. Do you like yourself? Why?
  2. Why do you think the Pig likes herself?
  3. What are some reason which you would like yourself?
  4. Why is like yourself a good thing?
Have students sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have every child say something that they like about themselves. Then ask them if there are ever times when they feel like they are unhappy with themselves.

Extending Questions and Activties:
  1. What are somethings that the pig likes about herself?
  2. What things can you do just by yourself?
  3. How do you cheer yourself up?
  4. How do you fix your mistakes?
Give children a pig cut out. Have them dress the pig how they like to dress. Around the pig, with the help from a teacher write things down that you like about yourself and things that you like to do with yourself!

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