Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Cow That Laid an Egg

 Cutbill, A. (2009). The Cow that Laid an Egg. New York: HarperCollins Publisher. Grades Pre-K-1

Written by: Andy Cutbill
Genre: Fiction
Theme: Animals hatching eggs
Subject Area: Science

Marjorie is a cow who feels sad that she can not ride bicycles and do handstands like all the other cows. To make Marjorie feel better, the chickens came up with a plan. The next morning Marjorie woke up with a fabulous surprise, She had laid an egg! Everyone in the town in astonished by the news and Marjorie felt so special. While Marjorie takes care of the egg everyone wonders and wait to see waht will hatch out of the egg.

Initiating Questions and activities:
  1. Do cows lay eggs?
  2. Do you think the cow really laid an egg?
  3. What do you think will hatch out of the egg?
  4. How do you think the cow feels about laying an egg?
Have a discussion with the children about if cows lay eggs or not. Then make a T-chart on the board. On one side write animals that lay eggs and on the other write animals that don't lay eggs. Brainstorm with the class and see how many animals you can come up with.

Extending Questions and Activity:
  1. How did Marjorie feel at the beginning of the book?
  2. How did she feel at the end of the book?
  3. Is there something that your friends can do that you can't do?
  4. Do you think Marjorie really laid an egg?
Give each child a piece of paper. Have each child draw an egg. Have them all think of their favorite animals. Have them write the name of their favorite animal and then write "That Laid an Egg." For example: The Giraffe that Laid an Egg. Then draw what the animal looks like on the egg. For example: I would draw giraffe spots on the egg. Under the egg have the kids write how the giraffe laid the egg. For example: The chickens played a trick on the giraffe, and while she was sleeping they painted an egg and put it where she was sleeping.

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