Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pigs in the Panty: Fun with Math and Cooking

 Axelrod, A. (1999). Pigs in the Pantry: Fun with Math and Cooking. New York: Aladdin. Grades K-2
Written by: Amy Axelrod
Genre: Fiction
Theme: Measurement
Subject Area: Math

The Pig's mother is sick. The father, daughter, and son decide that they should do something nice for their mother, so they make her some chili. Through measuring, pouring, and burning the chili, the kids make a mess! Mother Pig comes down and is surprised at the mess, but pleasantly surprised by the kind act of her family. At the end of the book, there is an actual recipe for the chili.

Initiating questions/activity:
  1. What do you think the pigs will do in the pantry?
  2. What do you do in the pantry?
  3. What kinds of things do you have to measure?
  4. Why do people (or pigs) have to measure things?
With the students, pretend that you're making cookies. As a class, brainstorm what ingredients you would need in order to make cookies. Make up numbers as to how many cups/teaspoons ect. of each item (exaggerate the amount). Ask the students if these would make the cookies, why or why not? Have a discussion on the importance of measurement.

Extending questions/activity:
  1. Why did the Pig cook?
  2. What happened with the chili?
  3. What did they use to make the chili?
  4. Have you ever baked or cooked anything?
Give the students a piece of paper and think of their favorite recipe or have them make one up. Have them write down ingredients and directions as to how to bake the recipe. Make sure they are reasonable amounts. Then make a class recipe book.

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